Lead With Your Head: How You Lead According to Your MBTI Type
Lead With Your Head.
If you’re involved in business culture then you’ll have inevitably heard of the Meyers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). Taking this test can not only help you delve deeper into your personality but could also help you identify your characteristics as a leader.
Let’s take a closer look at exactly what the MBTI is and the different leadership styles it presents.
What Is MBTI?
MBTI or The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator has become the most popular psychometric tool for individuals and organisations the world over. A series of questions based on four essential psychological functions help to determine your personality type.
The four functions have two different personality preferences for each and are broken down as follows
Pair 1: World Views
This focusses on how we see the world. Individuals either lean towards extraversion (E) or introversion (I). Extroverts tend to feel more energetic around other people whereas introverts tend to work better with ideas alone.
Pair 2: Gathering Information
Gathering information is how we collect data from the environment. Individuals either lean towards sensing (S) or intuition (N). Sensory individuals pay more attention to physical reality and tend to be very factual, whereas intuitive individuals are more concerned with the meanings and patterns they find in things.
Pair 3: Decision Making
The MBTI test separates decision-makers into two groups. It suggests that decision making is either thinking (T) led or feeling (F) led. Thinkers tend to be more analytical and task orientated, whereas feelers are more concerned with how decisions might impact on others.
Pair 4: Structuring Meaning
Structuring meaning is about how individuals view how other people behave in the world. It also has a big say in the individual’s behaviour itself. People lean towards either judging (J) or perceiving (P).
Individuals with judging personality trait tend to be decisive when interacting with the outside world. They tend to live planned and orderly lives. Those with the perceiving trait are more flexible and adaptative. They are open to new information and can appear loose and casual.
How It’s Put Together
You’ll have noticed the letters in brackets next to each personality trait. When you take the MBTI test you’ll receive four-letters, one for each pair. Take INFP, for example, This would mean that the individual is introspective (I) in their world views, intuitive (N) when gathering information, feeling led (F) when making a decision and perceptive (P) when it comes to structuring meaning.
MBTI Leadership Styles
There are 16 possible combinations and therefore 16 different personality types. When it comes to leadership each personality has their own leadership styles. Let’s take a close look at each of them.
The detail-orientated Leader (ISTJ)
The Detail-orientated leader is quiet and careful. They are honest and consistent and want to ensure that those they lead have a clear sense of direction. They tend to make things easy to understand for others and work through everything systematically to ensure they stay objective.
The Decisive Leader (ESTJ)
Decisive leaders will be happy to make difficult decisions and eager to get their team working on a job efficiently and quickly. Their objective and practical nature might make them appear domineering to some, but they are happy to collaborate with members of their team and work towards goals as a unit.
The Thoughtful Leader (ISFJ)
The thoughtful leader is committed and conscientious of their team. They will be careful to maintain harmony throughout their leadership. They will be very clear in setting goals and how to go about attaining them but will often put the needs of their team above their own.
The Generous Leader (ESFJ)
The generous leader is hard working and charismatic. They are full of compassion and empathy for their team, which means if any problems occur, they will often put the members of their team first. They are still very task-orientated but rely on kindness and being concise to lead.
The Tactical Leader (ISTP)
The tactical leader is open-minded, quiet and effective. They often give members of their team the freedom to adopt their own strategies for success. Their calmness means they can keep their cool in a crisis and they always think first to ensure they approach a problem in the most logical labour-friendly manner.
The Fearless Leader (ESTP)
Fearless leaders will see an opportunity and grab it quickly. They are brave in their decision making and excellent at tackling problems as they arise. They tend to be very motivating individuals and often quite fun to work for.
The Sensitive Leader (ISFP)
Sensitive leaders work best when they are working towards a worthy cause, especially one that benefits others in need. They are gentle and caring and will always stick up for the underdog. Their decisions are made based on their own moral compass.
The Charismatic Leader (ESFP)
It’s no surprise that the charismatic leader is fun, inspiring and likeable. They are happy to work hard and great at motivating their team. They make decisions based on how they will affect the people involved.
The Strategic Leader (INTJ)
Strategic leaders are rational and intuitive. They are focussed and calm, which allows their team to be confident of their abilities. They plan ahead to find the most efficient and logical way to solve a problem.
The Assertive Leader (ENTJ)
The assertive leader is decisive and strategic. They are honest and determined and happy to say things how they are. For what they might lack in sensitivity, they make up for in their effectiveness.
The Unconventional Leader (INTP)
The unconventional leader is the polar opposite of a dictator! They mix accuracy with open-mindedness. They give their team the freedom to make their own decisions but will jump in quickly if they spot a problem.
The Innovative Leader (ENTP)
The innovative leader is an entrepreneur. They are focussed on their own vision and eager to grow. They are very skilful at problem-solving and hope to inspire their team by sharing their vision.
The Perceptive Leader (INFJ)
The perceptive leader is focussed on the wellbeing of their team. They are incredibly demanding of themselves, but always try to encourage others. They base their decisions on how they think they will play out, and how they will impact their team members.
The Passionate Leader (ENFJ)
The passionate leader wants to make the world a better place. They are organised and focussed, and happy to get stuck in with their team. They are excellent diplomats and great motivators.
The Sincere Leader (INFP)
The sincere leader is open-minded and often found in situations where they can fight for a humanitarian cause. They are passionate, encouraging and focussed on bettering the world for others.
The Inspirational Leader (ENFP)
The inspirational leader is resourceful and imaginative. They always enjoy their team when formulating new ideas and are happy to share their leadership. They tend to be creative people with a clear vision.
Which Leadership Style Are You?
You will no doubt feel familiar with at least one of these leadership styles. Understanding your place in the different MBTI leadership types can help you better understand how you relate to the rest of your team. Understanding yourself can help you better understand how others see you.
If you found this article interesting and would like to find out more about how we can help you develop your leadership style, then contact us today.