2020 Briefing | Cultural Capital: The Core Values Connection

By Invitation Only 


When Wednesday, 3 April, 7.15am for 7.30am – 9.30am

Kindly hosted by KPMG, International Tower Three, Barangaroo


In January, Ian Elliot reminded the 2020 Community ‘Trust is the bedrock foundation of all of our relationships… without trust we rust.’ In an environment of distrust, individuals are more likely to craft public policy and do business in a way that serves their needs.


As public distrust rises, societal values are declining and culture is increasingly under the spotlight. To understand what drives a company’s behaviour, governments, regulators and investors are looking at the relationship between culture and risk.


Now more than ever, companies need strong cultures underpinned by core values. For business leaders today, Cultural Capital – the alignment between what leaders say a company’s culture is and the underlying patterns of behaviour – is a “must-have”.


At the 2020 Briefing | Cultural Capital: The Core Values Connection, participants will hear from business leaders and experts in a panel discussion. Speakers include:


John Cracknell, former Managing Director ANZ, Walt Disney

Laura Durkan, General Manager – Corporate Strategy and Culture, Richard Crookes

Edward Fong, Managing Director ANZ, Ubisoft

Stella Petrou Concha, Co-Founder and CEO, REO Group

Peter Griffith, Consortium Chair, 2020 Exchange (Facilitator)


In the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer, ‘My Employer’ emerged as most trusted by the public, highlighting the opportunity for CEOs to lead with values and build trusted relationships.


The discussion will explore the importance of defining and embodying your core values; how to identify a vision, mission and purpose to ensure a company, and its employees, know where they are going and why; and how to build a culture and pattern of behaviour within your organisation that is underpinned by core values. 


If you are a 2020 Exchange member, please register to confirm your place. Alternatively, if you are not a member but interested in attending the 2020 Briefing, please get in touch.