
Peer CEO leadership programs offer the optimal learning dynamic for extraordinary growth. Our programs help leaders refine their intuition through the art of conversation.


We offer a number of event driven programs to CEOs to accelerate growth and be a constant catalyst for change.


The 2020 CEO Consortia Program is the core of the organisation. It is designed to support sustained and mindful leadership growth.


We offer a range of additional programs outside of the CEO Consortia including the Across the Table and 2020 Briefing series.


Get in touch to discuss an engagement model for extraordinary leadership that is tailored to your individual needs.

Australian Growth Company Awards

Click here for more information


The Australian Growth Company Awards celebrate excellence in the mid market. This program recognises companies that have demonstrated high rates of growth as well as innovation, integrity, contribution to community and sustainable growth.


The Awards are proudly co-sponsored by Investec Australia, Computershare, Intralinks, GlobalX, Deloitte, Risk Capital Advisors, NAB Health, Hamilton Locke and 2020 Exchange.  Mergermarket is the media partner.

CEO Consortia Program

The 2020 CEO Consortia Program offers a secure environment where you can freely ask questions and seek fresh perspectives. Ultimately, enabling better decisions with high value outcomes in the areas of vision, strategy and people.


Around 12 select Chief Executives meet monthly, led by an independent, world-class Chair. 2020 Chairs inspire, guide and support you by facilitating the most ‘game-changing’ conversations in your diary every month.


Chief Executives within 2020 Consortia come from a rich, diverse range of industries, both contemporary and traditional. CEOs are carefully matched to a consortium based on personality, acumen, industry and turnover.


We ensure you are seated beside like-minded CEOs who are facing similar challenges, enabling you to glean solutions and gain maximum value in your participation.

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Platinum Associate Program

Designed for CEOs and leaders eligible for the Platinum Consortia Program, those in transit, or that have been eligible in the past; becoming a 2020 Platinum Associate entitles you to one seat at three separate Across the Table breakfast events, as well as other events and activities (including the 2020 Briefing series and the Australian Growth Company Awards) which support your accelerated leadership development, better enabling you to deal with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations, and at the same time allowing you to orchestrate powerful connections within the 2020 community.



Associate Program

Designed for CEOs and leaders eligible for the Consortia Program, those in transit, or that have been eligible in the past; becoming an Associate entitles you to one seat at three separate 2020 Briefing breakfast events, as well as other initiatives, events and activities (including the Australian Growth Company Awards) which support your accelerated leadership development, better enabling you to deal with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations, and at the same time allowing you to orchestrate powerful connections within the 2020 community.




David Kelynack CEO 2020 Exchange

David Kelynack
Chief Executive

"Leadership is the ability to influence and yield harmoniously the desired outcome and by placing our emphasis... on people, to develop trust and to ask the right question to elicit the story, we open up our minds to new possibilities.

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Ann Sherry AO

"Be a leader who is prepared to take risks... a leader with certainty who is prepared to back themselves, then people will follow."

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Les Schirato AM

"Australia’s Coffee King"

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Jenny Brockie

"Curiosity and deep questioning can reveal one's empathy."

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Todd Greenberg

"Significant opportunity comes with any challenge, problem or obstacle."

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John O'Neill AO

"A circuit breaker will shift culture... make the tough decisions early on."

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Graham Bradley AM

"Nurture disruptive challenge in your business by reviewing innovation & productivity."

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Gary Flowers OM

Gary Flowers

"Promote curiosity; always be asking “what if” and “why not?”..."

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Gordon Galt

"Good people are the best resource you can have in the mining or any other industry."

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David Murray AO

"Be curious... asking the right questions of your board is paramount."

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Vaughn Richtor

"The challenge I see for leaders is to encourage people to take advantage of the opportunities they now have to learn more, take on more accountability, make more decisions and get involved in things which they may not have had the chance to before. Give people “the right to fix”."

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Peter Griffith

"The mind that has the problem usually has the solution – it’s just waiting for the right question."

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Stephe Wilks

"Great leaders listen, synthesise and act. Sure, they’re expert in their fields, and they have great ancillary skills to match that expertise, but - crucially - they need to see the world around them with broader eyes than just their own; and then craft that broader knowledge into actions that yield real progress…"

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Ted Pretty

"Leadership is about 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration – in that order."

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Remo Giuffre

"Effective leadership calls for general thinking and the pursuit of diversity."

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Peter Severin

" It's not about being tough or weak. It's about being smart..."

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Ümit Subaşı

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”
- Sun Tzu"

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Kevin Moore

"If your business isn’t growing, then it’s dying. You just don’t yet know the date that it will fail."

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Andrew Scipione APM

"Power is not leadership, it is humility and performance that set you apart from the pack."

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Lindsay Fox AC

"Leadership education is in life… "

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Michael Pascoe

"The difference between leadership & management has become a cliché, but that hasn’t closed the gap. 2020 is that leap into pure leadership."

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Juanita Phillips

"You can have it all and keep it all together "

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David Mortimer AO

"Be a leader who believes in creative, imaginative responses to shape the future of business."

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Megan Foster

"“The most effective leaders are those with one particular key attribute, that of self-awareness. Great leaders know their strengths and weaknesses. They play to their strengths. They are aware of the executive shadow they cast and the impact it has on the people that surround them.”"

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Don Peppers

"Proactive honesty and flawless execution is the key to unlocking long-term profits"

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John Cracknell

"Create a world class team that assists you to rise to the challenges of your industry."

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Mark Webster

"There are only two directions you can move in business and life, forwards or backwards. If you are standing still or resisting change – you are actually going backwards as others will inevitably be going forward."

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Captain Kevin Oprey

"...experience it and then say if from your own heart..."

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Ronnie Kahn

Ronni Kahn

" something meaningful for other people."

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Tim Kirkman

"Leadership requires curiosity and the courage to always be accountable."

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Holly Kramer

"People and culture are critical to business success, especially in the face of challenging business conditions"

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Ric Lazar


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Ian Elliot

"Profit and culture are friends not adversaries. You don’t have to choose between happy staff and happy shareholders. One feeds the other."

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Peter Stirling Benson

"“I believe great leadership emanates from the four ‘E’s. Personal energy, an ability to energise others, applying an edge to all decision-making and championing the importance of superb execution.”"

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Mark Elliott

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson"

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Stella Petrou Concha

"When you succeed, I succeed."

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Catherine Harris AO PSM

"We’re for the greater goodness"

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